Música clássica indiana no feminino

1 07 2011

Mais um raga Bageshree instrumental, desta vez com o sarod.
Rajrupa Sen (sarod)
Indranil Mallick (tabla)

The sarod is known for a deep, weighty, introspective sound, in contrast with the sweet, overtone-rich texture of the sitar, with sympathetic strings that give it a resonant, reverberant quality. It is a fretless instrument able to produce the continuous slides between notes known as meend (glissandi), which are very important to Indian music.

[…]It was known in earlier times, specially in Bengal by the name ‘Svarode’ derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Svarodaya’, meaning the rising of ‘Svar’ (musical note). The contemporary Sarod, has about 21 to 25 metal strings. The number of strings in Sarod in olden times was much less. Although it has grown in size, its shape and form has not undergone extensive change.[…]

Podemos pensar que para “compreender” a música clássica indiana seja necessário conhecer a suas regras complexas. Regras que me interessam mas infelizmente não vislumbro nem terei tempo de alguma vez vir a conhecer. No entanto quando o receptor da música a sente e se deixa envolver por ela, talvez a compreenda mesmo. Haverá talvez em nós pre-inscrita uma  gramática universal das harmonias e melodias universais, ou cósmicas… Se ao menos soubessemos conseguir ( e fruir simplesmente) essas empatias noutros campos…