BPN: reportagem SIC a não perder

30 12 2012

Como é possível um desmando destes ter passado sob o nariz de Constâncio, sem que ele soubesse? Não acredito no Pai Natal. Portanto, falta pelo menos um nome na lista de arguidos. O dele. E claro, toda aquela cambada devedora deveria estar constituída arguída e em prisão preventiva. Está alguém preso pelo processo BPN?
Uma alegria e o povo cala e paga. por que não fazem manifs às portas do tribunal onde corre este processo?
Por que razão não se exige nas manifs que estes senhores sejam presos e castigados de forma célere?

Por que razão não há queixa crime por gestão danosa do património comum a que chamamos ESTADO contra quem nacionalizou o banco e contra quem o vendeu nestas condições tão danosas para os contribuintes??????

Será que a esquerda só sabe a canção da “renegociação da dívida”? A falta de pragmatismo é assustadora na nossa dita oposição de esquerda. É o vazio completo pois todos sabemos que mais cedo ou mais tarde isso acontecerá e então poderãodizer que tinham razão. Confrangedor! E a falta de alternativas deixa-me um pouquinho deprimida por assim dizer…

India: R.I.P Damini

29 12 2012


Delhi Gang Rape Victim Passes Away in Singapore

                    by Sonal Bhadoria              
After putting up a brave fight, despite her grave injuries, the Delhi gang-rape victim passed away in Singapore today, in the early morning hours. The victim, whose name has not been revealed, passed away “peacefully” at 4.45 a.m(2:15am India time) with her distraught family and Indian diplomats by her side, hospital official Kelvin Loh said in a statement. The girl, was admitted to the well-known multi-organ transplant facility Mount Elizabeth Hospital on Thursday after days of treatment at Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital.
She had become a symbol of for many women across the country, with her brave front at the face of excruciating pain giving hope to many.
Many people took to Twitter to express their shared grief and some-outrage:

 █║prΔßh █║▌@Prabh_says

The rape victim passes away in singapore…. Hopefully to a better world. RIP Damini -_-

“Seis formas de “femicídio” na Índia” (ou seja GENOCÍDIO selectivo)

29 12 2012

mortalidade infantil India (2)

Informação retirada do video que todos devem ver:

Six forms of femicide in India
by Rita Banerji

Assinem a petição !

29 12 2012


December 22 · Started by Rita Banerji · Invite Friends ·
Reposts 4

To: The Prime Minister of India

In memoriam

27 12 2012

Música de Natal

25 12 2012

Boas Festas!

25 12 2012


Com a vaca e o burro pois claro, o papa não é infalível, deve estar muito enganado, o burro é venerado pelo menos duas vezes nos evangelhos: na viagem do divino casal até Belém e depois para o exílio temporário e na entrada de Cristo em Jerusalém (no Domingo de Ramos). A vaca não é mencionada mais nenhuma vez que eu me lembre, mas vou procurar qual o evangelista que se lhe refere. Este animal é, como se sabe, muito maltrado pelos católicos mediterrânicos sobretudo o pobre do macho torturado em Portugal e Espanha e um pouco por todo o mundo latino e não só, sem que a Igreja alguma vez tenha condenado tal violência. É consistente com a insistência do Papa em relação à ausência da vaca.
Esta vaquinha da minha lapinha está com bom porte para dar esperança nos tempos das vacas magras que já cá estão e se adivinham piores em 2013.
Bom Natal e pensamento positivo para o Ano Novo!

Índia e as violações diárias, Mailtoday: um artigo de análise

23 12 2012

Mail today India

The outrage is highly selective

by Sandipan Deb

“I HAVE known Venkatraman ( name changed) for maybe 15 years. A thorough gentleman, quiet, charming and unfailingly courteous. And then I read his Facebook post a day after the unspeakable violence committed by some monsters on a young woman in Delhi. This is what the post said: “ Why can’t a hundred people storm that police station lock- up, cut off ( the) limbs ( of the rapists) and rush them to the nearest hospital so that they live… and the way they live could be a deterrent. It would still not end with these six. But if this is done in a few cases, these b*** will think before committing these dastardly acts. At least, we would have done our bit… ” In other words, Bhagalpur blindings redux. The post has received many “ likes”.


Over the last few days, our social media has been aflame with a rarely- witnessed fury. Petitions supporting the death penalty for rapists that I have received for signing number more than a dozen. Middle- class rage has been unleashed again, for all its worth. Sadly, that potentially powerful force comes into play only when a specific type of event takes place. The event, first of all, has to be urban, preferably in the more modish parts of the cities.

It has to be a catastrophe involving a person or persons who we do not find it difficult to locate and place in our scheme of things. The perpetrators have to be close at hand, easily identifiable. So, even in the case of crimes against women, the urban middle class hardly ever does more than gnash its teeth for a few moments when it comes to khap panchayats; in fact, there are enough twitter jokes punning on ‘ khap’ that should make us hang our heads in shame. We don’t spend a moment on news reports— and news reports don’t spend more than 200 words— on crimes against women in rural India, especially lower castes and tribals, or child rape in our slums. There’s no middle class activism even regarding the daily— yes, daily— harassment that girls from the North- East face in our big urban centres, right next to our homes and malls.

Among the posts on social media on the Delhi gang rape last week were many messages about how the essentially patriarchal nature of our society lies at the root of our treatment of women. But there were also many which were screaming: “ Didn’t these b*** think of their own mothers, sisters and daughters when they were raping the girl?” This, the writers do not seem to realise, is also as patriarchal as it can get. This is clichéd dialogue from the same regressive Indian films which have for decades, with great financial success, convinced young men that the first step to wooing a girl is eveteasing, stalking and insulting her verbally and physically. The girl always gives in to the stalker- hero.


This is seen as the girl coming down from her high horse, and finding eternal comfort in the arms of a man who actually respects all women but one as his mother or sister or— in time— daughter.

And this is how so many of our honest and educated middle class, who believe they are gender- equal in their attitudes— still define women, invoking hoary hackneyed stereotypes? Interestingly, I’ve never seen these same heartfelt sentiments expressed for North- Eastern, rural or tribal women, ever.

All women are not our mothers, sisters or daughters. They need not be. They are women, and our orthodox pieties are blatant hypocrisies that try to define them in terms of our convenience. They are women and that is what they are, absolutely the same way as we are men, not fathers, brothers and sons.

The Delhi rapists and proto- murderers must be punished quickly and hard, and made an example of. But the bloodthirsty cries for medieval treatment, even though generated by a passion that is necessary and valuable, must be modulated by reason.

The case against mob justice need not be argued at length. We might all as well then enroll in the Ranvir Sena or sign up in Raj Thackeray’s register. The arguments against a universal death penalty for rape are also well- known. Judges will think 47 times before convicting a person, and in the vast majority of cases, will decide to acquit. This will in fact make matters even worse, since India’s record of conviction in rape cases is abysmal.


The reasons for this, again, are obvious: the shame that society forces upon a rape survivor, the cynical and humiliating interrogations and cross- examinations, the sheer sloth of the judicial process which is particularly damaging in rape cases, where the victim wants to move on and the culprit has all the time in the world. All this, in spite of the fact that India’s rape laws are among the toughest in the world. As many commentators who have dealt with actual situations ( as opposed to our politicians who are more interested in the fieriness quotient of their Parliament speeches and public utterances) insist, it is the swiftness of verdict and certainty of punishment rather than a death penalty that can make a difference. And this is not really difficult for a government and judiciary to implement.

Meanwhile, can we broadbase our middle class rage a bit to include gender crimes being committed daily, as a matter of course, outside our metros? Can we think of women not in terms that slot them into roles that fit our patriarchal values, however much we deny them, and think of them as human beings free to be anything they want to be? After this ghastly crime, a lot of us have said that we feel ashamed to be Indians. Can we feel ashamed a bit more, and in a wider and deeper way? “The writer’s novel, The Last War , will be published next week

Requisição civil

18 12 2012

Lei da mobilização e requisição civil e militar

Um país com a procura interna em recessão (que não vou chamar técnica, pois ela é calamitosa) pode dar-se ao luxo de perder encomendas e clientes por atraso nas entregas dos produtos exportados???????????????????????
Podem reagir à vontade, leitores de esquerda. Fiquem com as vossas fúrias , fiquem com os vossos mitos e fantasias acerca da luta dos gloriosos trabalhadores dos transportes e dos portos. Eu acho que está na altura de requisitar os serviços , acho mesmo. A lei permite , não diz nada sobre serviços mínimos. Refere-se à defesa? Isto não é uma questão de defesa? Estamos a tornar-nos colónia ou não? Decidam-se. Se estamos em risco de perda de soberania então comecem por tornar possível a independência económica. Logo , os sectores de tranportes terrestrees , marítimos e aéreos (incluindo portos e aeroportos) e as comunicações são centros nevrálgicos, que não podem estar entregues a lutas egoistas disfarsadas de “solidárias”.

Quando vamos parar com este triunfo da estupidez, mascarado de luta heroica??????????????????????????

Tomem um chá de tília, as fúrias fazem mal. Um governo de direita não faz requisições, tem medo de ser chamado fascista. O Sócrates já a teria feito , digo eu . Será que me engano?

Defendo a requisição civil sem qualquer ambiguidade. É a minha opinião. Não concordam? Vão comprar produto nacional para as prendas de Natal para serem coerentes… mas sei que muitos cidadãos de esquerda convicta já compraram as suas prendas de marca estrangeira que dá mais pica, digo, classe, charme, como quiserem.

Massacre em Newtown

15 12 2012


20 crianças entre os 27 mortos em tiroteio em escola primária nos EUA

Clara Barata e Rita Siza

14/12/2012 – 17:04

Atirador de 24 anos está morto. É o segundo ataque com armas de fogo mais mortífero de sempre nos EUA.”

Não se esqueçam de pedir ao Pai Natal uma destas. Nos States arranjam-se facilmente, mesmo MUITO facilmente, DEMASIADO FACILMENTE e qualquer um pode comprar para si ou para oferecer ao seu rebento de vinte anos: